“Playing our part in the spiritual and social transformation of Tunbridge Wells and beyond”
In the mid 1990’s, Christ Church was facing an uncertain future. The 19th century building was deteriorating beyond economic repair and with the need to close one or more of the towns’ several churches (due to declining numbers), Christ Church was a prime candidate. However neither the church authorities nor the town planners had reckoned on the faith and perseverance of the then Vicar, John Banner, and the modestly-sized congregation at the time!
Despite endless setbacks and a near halving of the original budget, Christ Church was eventually re-built and consecrated in 1997. Though still small in numbers, a growing openness to renewal and the ministry of the Holy Spirit led to a resurgence of spiritual life and rediscovery of the mission to which it was called.
Today Christ Church is an Anglican church, situated in the centre of Tunbridge Wells. We are part of the Tunbridge Wells Deanery and the Diocese of Rochester.
We are a growing, transforming, disciple-making community for Tunbridge Wells; encountering God’s presence; pursuing His purpose for our lives and those we love and inviting people to encounter Jesus through our love, worship, compassion and hospitality. Christ Church is a place people call ‘home’. Here people find hope, healing and friends who will walk with them through life’s challenges. Here we discover our gifts and calling and find others who share our passions so that together we can bring God’s love to others.
Our theological stance is evangelical and our style is contemporary and unfussy. Our services reflect the importance we place on contemporary sung corporate worship, life-shaping Bible-based teaching, and the ministry of the Holy Spirit as He brings the transforming power of Christ into our lives.
Aspire is a vision for Christ Church based on the ancient tradition and mission of a ‘minster’. At the heart of the minster was a dedicated community of people, committed to Christ and to one another and gathered around a corporate rhythm of worship and prayer.
Together with others, they understood their role to create a place of hospitality where pilgrims could find shelter and spiritual refreshment, often before moving on. The minster shared its resources with the wider community, acting as a place of refuge in difficult times. The minster was a hub from which people went out to preach the gospel, establishing and strengthening God’s people in diverse communities. Above all, the minster’s role was to be a servant of God’s mission, to the establishing of His Kingdom. Drawing on this historic precedent to shape our current ministry priorities, brings spiritual momentum and life, guiding our journey and expectations as a church.
Linked to this is an ambitious but necessary building project. We have outgrown our current premises and some parts of the existing building are no longer fit for purpose. Plans have already been drawn up for a 21st century minster in the heart of Tunbridge Wells, on a site dedicated to the worship of God for over 175 years.
Our Values
Our values express the characteristics that we want to define everything we do. They describe the kind of people we want to become and our attitude towards others. They are key to shaping our practical witness.
Worship: Our first duty and joy is to respond to the love of God and forgiveness of Christ by giving our lives to Him– above all, the distinguishing mark of our faith.
Growing: Expecting the message of Jesus to bear fruitful growth in every area.
Generosity: ‘Going the extra mile’; giving of our time, energy and money with thankful hearts, trusting that God will supply our needs.
Compassion: Being a welcoming community to both friend and stranger – not just to our church, but to our homes, lives and our faith.
Empowering: Aware of our need to be constantly filled with God’s power to do His mission; helping others discern and live out their calling.
Collaboration: Working in partnership with other churches and agencies to promote a town-wide expression of God’s Kingdom.
Creativity: Celebrating and giving prophetic voice to God’s presence in the world through the creative arts.
Authenticity: God can work through our vulnerability and weaknesses, without the need for ‘show’ or pretence.