Come and say hello!

Sunday Services - 2 services - 9.15 and 11.15 - more info here

Office Opening hours - Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm (1pm closure Fridays.)

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Getting to us by train - Tunbridge Wells station is a 2minute walk from Christ Church. Exit the station onto the High Street and turn right, or if you exit opposite The Range turn left.


Cycling - We’re passionate about caring for God’s creation, so why not try cycling to Christ Church for a visit? We have 3 bike racks in the car park where you can lock your bike.

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Our Top Tips on car parking – If you’re travelling by car, there are lots of car parks just a short distance away and they can be found on our map below, click the ‘P’ icons for more information on distance from church (we’ve timed the walks ourselves), capacity and pricing. We do have a small car park on site, however this is reserved for those serving on a team and Blue Badge holders.