‘Blaze’ is our home at Christ Church for all those who are secondary school aged.
We are passionate about young people becoming fully alive in God’s Truth and the power of the Holy Spirit, blazing like a contagious fire in the midst of their generation.
We meet in two age groups;
School years 7-9 and 10-13 (more info below)
You can keep up to date with everything we do at CCTW Youth by looking at our weekly Youth newsletter. Just click the button below.
Blaze on Sundays - yrs 7-9
‘Come to meet Jesus and make friends as we encounter Him in worship and Bible teaching, through prayer times and fun!
We meet for snacks at 11am in the shop space.
For further info contact: youth@cctw.org.uk.
Fire Starters - yrs 10-13 SUNDAYS
Time to start a fire!
Join us as we pursue Jesus and his life-changing, world-changing way of holiness together. Our fuel is worship, Bible teaching and prayer (and cake!).
We are seeking His power and direction in our lives as we look for His Kingdom to advance in our families, friendships and schools.
We meet on Sunday afternoons (from 27th April), from 5-6.30pm, upstairs in Crabb Hall.
For further info, please contact; youth@cctw.org.uk
Blaze on Fridays
Join us every Friday in term time for fun and games, trips out and snacks. If you like friendship and laughs, this is the place for you!
We meet in two age-groups: school years 7-9 and school years 10-13.
Timings vary depending on what we're up to, but usually around 7-9pm.
For more info, email youth@cctw.org.uk
Thursdays - Refuel
Like food, making friends, talking about being a Christian and are in yrs 10-13 then our life group is for you!
We meet in Pembury on alternate Thursdays between 7-9pm (help with lifts can be arranged). Come and join us for dinner and chatting about life and what it means to follow Jesus.
Football Focus!
A meet up for boys in years 7-9 to have a good kick around as well as an opportunity to chat about life and faith.