Ash Wednesday
8:00 PM20:00

Ash Wednesday

Join us on 5 March at 8pm for our Ash Wednesday communion service as we mark the beginning of the season of Lent and remember Jesus’ time in the wilderness.  There is also an opportunity to receive the sign of the cross with ash.

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Welcome Tea
4:00 PM16:00

Welcome Tea

Welcome Tea
Our next Welcome Tea for those new to Christ Church is on Sunday the 26th January 4pm - if you have filled in one of our connect cards you should automatically receive an invitation - if you would like to come, do please email to let us know.

As always, children are welcome to join!

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Base Camp '25
to Jan 26

Base Camp '25

Thank you for being interested in Base Camp '25! This year's theme will be "Another in the fire".

Base Camp is a men's residential retreat at Carroty Wood to pause and prepare for the year ahead.

As ever, there'll be plenty of Food, Fire and Fellowship, with time together and time for yourself. The ticket price includes all accommodation, food and activities.

Whilst this is called "Base Camp", and there will be some outdoor activity, please be assured that no camping involved! We will be enjoying the comforts of Carroty Wood's chalet accommodation.

Please read the Terms & Conditions below, and fill out the questions on the booking.

See you there!

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Brave Blue World Film Screening
4:00 PM16:00

Brave Blue World Film Screening

On Sunday 12th January at 4pm, we will be screening the award-winning documentary Brave Blue World, followed by a Q&A with director Tim Neeves.

This free event will be hosted by our Green & 20s&30s teams, but it is open to the whole church. We look forward to showing this incredibly thought-provoking film about solutions to the global water crisis & discussing what our call as Christians to care for creation entails.

Snacks & refreshments will be available

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Wreath Making
to Dec 12

Wreath Making

This is a fun creative women's evening.

Wreaths and decorations are provided and there will be a demonstration on how to make the wreath as well as mulled wine, mince pies and a short Christmas reflection.

There will be two identical events:

Tuesday 10th December 7.30pm

Thursday 12th December 7.30pm

Please select the correct ticket for the day you wish to attend.

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An evening exploring Science and Faith (TW Deanery Synod)
7:30 PM19:30

An evening exploring Science and Faith (TW Deanery Synod)

  • Christ Church Tunbridge Wells (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

An evening exploring science and faith for churches in Tunbridge Wells, organised by Tunbridge Wells Deanery Synod (Anglican Churches in TW). Our guest speakers are both academic professors and members of local churches, and will talk about how two key scientific issues can be understood in light of the Christian faith. Professor Stephen Keevil will speak on Artificial Intelligence and Professor Richard Buggs on evolution. There will be a Q&A time with our speakers after their talks, as well as puddings and drinks provided. You must book a free ticket if you would like to attend, please click the button below.

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Practicing The Way
to Oct 23

Practicing The Way

  • Christ Chuch Tunbridge Wells (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Another opportunity to do the 8-week course with Rob, starting on Weds 16th Oct. This course is an introduction to ‘FORM’, a central part of our minster vision.  The course is designed to lay a foundation for deeper, lifelong apprenticeship to Jesus through a commitment to community and a shared ‘rule of life’.  
To get the best out of the course you need to be able to attend most if not all the sessions.

A payment of £10 at the first session will be required to cover the cost of the printed course materials.

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Alpha Course
to Nov 19

Alpha Course

This 9-week course is an opportunity to explore the Christian faith and starts on Tuesday, October 15th with desserts and drinks at 7.30pm in the Manna café.

Contact if you would like to attend or register a guest.

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All Inclusive - Accessibility Training
10:00 AM10:00

All Inclusive - Accessibility Training

An Urban Saints event for accessibility training at Christ Church on 28th September at 10am.

The event Includes a full-colour A4 workbook, an additional needs information book, access to video learning, an in-building group training session, and follow up resources.

This event is aimed at Kids and youth team volunteers but anyone else who would like to be better equipped to support children or grandchildren with additional needs would be very welcome to attend.

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Open Doors - Standing Strong - South East Conference
9:30 AM09:30

Open Doors - Standing Strong - South East Conference

  • christ church tunbridge wells (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

On Saturday 21st September, Standing Strong will be coming to Tunbridge Wells – and we need your help to spread the word!

This is a precious opportunity for people to meet the risk-takers of the persecuted church, ask them questions, pray with them, and get a glimpse into what life is like for millions of believers worldwide. This year, we have John from Yemen sharing (Yemen is the 5th most dangerous country to be a Christian in the world). We will also spend time worshipping God together. 

Doors open at 9.30am for tea and coffee, with the event kicking off at 10am, and concluding at 3pm.

There is a 50% discount for everyone at CCTW. The code to use on the Eventbrite site is 50off

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Re-wild 24
10:00 AM10:00

Re-wild 24

Relax, recharge and re-wild yourself for a day, this year in the wilds of Penshurst, on the 14th Sept, 10am-10pm. See you in the wilderness…

The wilderness is not a place to be feared or avoided, but one to be cherished. It is a place of restoration, recharge and readiness. Join us men of Christ Church for a wilderness walk, time to pause and reflect, to prepare fire, learn new basic bushcraft skills, and enjoy food together. Food, Fire, Fellowship.

This year we will be exploring the wilderness of Penshurst hosted by Harry at his farm and it is just for 1 day, 10am to 10pm.
You will need transport there, bring a chair and your favourite mug. An evening meal is provided.
Come ready to re-wild yourself!

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Easter 2024
to Mar 31

Easter 2024

  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for our easter services:

Maundy Thursday - 28th March - 8pm  - A quiet, reflective service remembering the last supper and Jesus’ command to ‘love one another’. 

Good Friday All-Age - 29th March - 10.30am - An all-age extravaganza remembering Jesus’ death on the cross and looking ahead to his resurrection. 

An Hour at the Cross - 29th March - 3pm - An hour of readings, music and reflections on Jesus’ sacrifice for us at the cross. 

Easter Sunday - 31st March - 9:15 & 11:15am - Join us to celebrate Jesus’ rising from the dead and the hope he offers to the world. 

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