Our services are lively, informal and inclusive, welcoming everyone of all ages, nationalities and backgrounds. Our morning services last about 1 hour and 20 mins and include a time of sung worship, teaching from the bible and an opportunity for prayer ministry after the service. Children are welcome at ‘Kingdom Kids’.


Sunday Morning 9:15 & 11:15

For the early risers, ‘The 9.15’ will be the ideal way to start your day.  The band will lead us in worship; our sermons aim to inspire and challenge, and of course Children of all ages will be welcome at Kingdom Kids.  Refreshments are available after the service.  For those who want a later start, ‘The 11.15’ is for you, with the same line-up.  Refreshments are served after the service as well. 

Sunday Livestream

Although we’re encouraging everyone to join us in person, we haven’t wanted to stop livestreaming because we understand that some people may still be unable to join us on Sunday mornings. We’re also aware that some might be investigating the Christian faith or church for the first time and we’d love to offer you the chance to discover more through our online services. The link below will take you to our YouTube channel, where you will find our Sunday service and more.


Prayer for Healing & Wholeness

Whether it’s healing for body, mind or spirit, these gatherings are an opportunity to soak in an atmosphere of worship and receive personal prayer. Teams from Christ Church as well as some invited guests and friends will pray. We gather on the first Sunday of each month at 6pm.


On the 3rd Sunday of each month we gather to worship, and to pray for the ministry at Christ Church; for a greater outpouring of God’s Spirit, and for His kingdom to be revealed in everything we do. Come ready to get involved and to pursue God’s purposes for us.