Our aim is to equip members of Christ Church with the practical skills and confidence to live out the Christian life; ready to pray, speak and act in any and every situation we encounter. Below are some of our current and past courses. If you are interested in finding out more about when a course might run in the future please click below to contact us.
Alpha - Starts February 2025
Alpha is a 9 week course that gives you the chance to explore the Christian faith, or revisit the foundations of what it’s all about. Each session looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation. No two Alphas courses look quite alike, but you can expect food, a talk or video and good conversation. Come along, bring a friend and ask all your questions about life, faith and Jesus.
Our most recent Alpha course began in February.
Transforming Life
Transforming life is all about people being changed because living free is what Jesus died to achieve. It looks at the basis for genuine life-transformation, what prevents us from living free, and the tools God has given us to ‘live life to the full’.
Our most recent Transforming Life course began in March.
The Practicing the Way Course
An eight-session primer on spiritual formation. Two thousand years ago, Jesus said to his disciples, “follow me.” But what does it mean for us to follow Jesus today? The Practicing the Way Course is an on-ramp to spiritual formation, exploring what it means to follow Jesus and laying the foundation for a life of apprenticeship to him.
Prayer ministry training
Prayer ministry is a key part of our corporate life as a church, and it’s important that we learn how to pray sensitively and effectively for each other. Topics in the training sessions include praying for others in the power of the Spirit, ‘hearing God’, ‘praying for healing’ and ‘how to minister with faith and sensitivity’. It is open to everyone, not just those currently involved in prayer ministry. As well as practical teaching, there is also the opportunity for plenty of practice.
Parenting for Faith
The Parenting for Faith Course ran in May. The course shows parents how to cultivate a relationship between their children and God.
Discovering my Unique S.H.A.P.E.
God has shaped you in a variety of ways. This course helps you to discover who God has made you to be, and what He has gifted you to do. Once you begin to discover your unique shape, you will know more precisely where you can effectively serve the Lord and others.
The Prayer Course
During Lent 2020 we ran a course on prayer, based on 24-7 Prayer’s The Prayer Course, looking at a different aspect of prayer each week, with worship, a talk and small group discussion.
Unanswered Prayer Course
Designed to provoke honest conversation around the hardest questions we ask about prayer, this course provides an opportunity to share some of the struggles we might have faced with prayer. We ran this course in Lent 2021.
Who? Kingdom Kids and Youth volunteers, parents, grandparents and carers are encouraged to sign up for this free training evening given by Mark Arnold from Urban Saints.
What? During this interactive and informative training session we will work together to:
Explore the ‘state of the nation’ and explode some of the myths surrounding working with children with special/additional needs.
Look at some of the key tips and strategies that you can use to make what you offer accessible, inclusive, and a place where everyone belongs.
Understand some key additional/special needs in detail and identify some of the amazing benefits that inclusion can bring to your whole group.
We’ll also highlight some further information and resources that you can use as you work though this with your teams.
More information will be available here when we next run this course.
Tastelife believes in breaking free from eating disorders and rediscovering life in all its fullness.
The course offers hope for sufferers and help for their supporters through the tastelife 8 session community course.
For more info and to sign up, please email: cts@tastelifeuk.org
Raising Faith
Raising Faith is a six part course exploring how Christian families can create strong and healthy foundations of faith in their children. Each session gives parents and carers the opportunity to discuss their own experiences and explore some key parenting principles.