This year our APCM was on Wednesday May 15th 2024

The Electoral Roll is now open. Click here to join.


Below you will find links to the various documents you might need (and links to some of last year’s documents), including our annual accounts. You will find a list of all those currently on the ‘electoral roll’ of the church. This is different from being on the database of Christ Church- it is the formal way of belonging to CC as part of the wider Anglican Church and enables you to vote at the annual meeting. Click here to join the electoral roll.

The Parish Church Council (PCC) is the governing body of Christ Church, overseeing our resources, assets, buildings and staff team. It is responsible for ensuring compliance with policies such as health and safety, safeguarding, proper recruitment and staff management etc. The council collaborates with the Vicar in discerning and promoting the mission and ministry of the church. Members of our current PCC may be found here.

The PCC is required to hold an APCM (Annual Parochial Church meeting) at which reports are shared, accounts approved, new members and officers are elected and questions may be asked about any area of the church’s ministry. Anyone may attend the annual meeting and raise questions; only those on the electoral roll may vote in any formal resolutions that might be made.

2024 APCM Documents

Formal Notice of APCM

Current Electoral Roll

Signed Minutes of APCM 2023 for approval

Nomination Form for Deanery Synod

Nomination forms for Church Warden

Election to PCC

Annual Review 2023-24

Trustees Accounts 2023-24

If you are interested in the above roles, please download and print as the forms need to be signed by both proposer and nominee, and either returned to Rita Haxton or to the church office.

2023 APCM Documents

Election Results of the 2023 APCM

APCM Agenda

Signed Minutes from the 2022 APCM

Annual Review & Accounts 2022-23

Annual Accounts for 2022