It is a church’s register of electors – members of the church family with voting rights at the annual meeting.
The roll is an official register of Christ Church’s membership and helps the diocese and wider Church of England to recognise the encouraging signs of God’s kingdom here at Christ Church. Being on the roll enables you to vote at the annual meeting and to stand for roles on the church council (PCC). The size of our electoral roll also impacts how many people represent Christ Church on other governing bodies within the wider church.
We would love all members of the church family who have made Christ Church their spiritual home to be counted on the Electoral Roll.
Every six years, we must prepare a completely new Roll, and this is what is going to happen this year. This means that everyone, even those who are currently members, must apply afresh to the Electoral Roll.
You can apply to join the new Electoral Roll now and the deadline is Tuesday 29th April.
Firstly, you need to be baptised, a lay person (not ordained), and a member of the Church of England (confirmed, or just committed through attending). You also need to be over 16 years of age.
Secondly, it depends on whether you are resident in the parish and if you are, you qualify regardless of whether you regularly attend services. If you are not resident in the parish, you need to have 'habitually' (regularly) attended* services at Christ Church for at least 6 months.
*or been prevented from attending for a good reason (such as illness).
To check whether you live in the parish or not, search for your address on www.achurchnearyou.com - in the search results, one of the churches listed will say ‘This is the parish church’.
How to Apply
1. Online using the button below. This is the preferred option as it automatically adds names to a new roll document.
2. Complete the paper form available at the back of church or in the office, and put in the red letter box in the cafe.