Here at Christ Church we’re passionate about caring for God’s creation. Here are some of the ways we’re doing that, and we’d love to invite you to join us!


Climate Q&A Evening

On 22nd January 2020 we held a Climate Q&A Evening to discuss how we can better steward our planet. Click below for the slides, or to listen to an audio recording of the evening click the button for our talks page.

Creation, Crisis and the Cross Sermon Series

In October and November 2019 we did a three part sermon series on issues of Climate Change and what the Christian faith says about them. Click below to listen back to the series on our talks page.


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Want to get involved?

Our Green Team is always looking to come up with new ways in which we can better care for the planet as a church. If you’d like to find out more or get involved click below to email Tom who leads the team.